From Sept. 28th to Sept. 30th ICT-Agri-Food funded projects gathered at Aachen Germany for a mid-term seminar. SustainIT project was represented by project coordinator Ants-Hannes Viira from Estonian University of Life Sciences and Natascha Schlereth from Technical University of Munich. The aim of the seminar...

The second newsletter of the project covers the activities of second half of 2021, including first feedback on country Living Labs, plans for 2022, workshops on agricultural data spaces, digitalization trends in Estonian agriculture and other topics. The newsletter is available at

The first meeting of Finnish Living Lab was organized by University of Oulu team on November 24th. Meeting has 13 participants representing farmers, major database and ICT stakeholders, dairy companies, slaughterhouses and beef industry, experts and administrators. Stakeholders discussed the development of animal health and...